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play games with people

下面围绕“play games with people”主题解决网友的困惑

play games with people是什么意思?

1 You both play games with other people for a living.你们俩都是靠跟别人玩游戏谋生的。2 Of course, your precious employees could play their games with th...

I like to talk and play games with people. 到底

我喜欢与人谈话和玩游戏 I like 就是我喜欢 to talk就是谈话 and play games就是和玩游戏 而with people 与人。这样的解释才对,我们老师教过了,百度翻译...


I like to play games with people.遇到连词成句我是这样做的:首先确定主语,最好能同时确定宾语(不适用于所有情况)。其次要多补充短语句型知识,比如说like to...


"Hi,I'm Ma Huan.I can play ping-pong and chess.I like to talk and play games with people."的中文是“嗨,我是...

i like to talk and play games with people什么意

i like to talk and play games with people什么意思  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 《请回答2021》瓜分百万奖金 匿名用户 2016-05-10 展开全部 A.HelpforOldPeople...

she is busy play games with people play要加s吗

这里的play 不用加s 但是根据be busy doing这个短语,play应该用doing形式 所以应该是She is busy playing games with people.才对。

I like to talk and play games with people怎么变

变成第三人称单数的句子是:He likes to talk and play games with people. 要是变成第三人称复数就只是换成They做主语,其他都不变。


你们好,我是Peter,我喜欢打篮球,我会说英语而且会踢足球。嗨,我是Ma Huan,我会打乒乓球和下棋,我喜欢和别人谈...

she likes to talk and ___(做游戏) with people.

play games 如果回答有不完善的地方,或不明白的地方,可以追问 希望采纳 谢谢!

1、汤姆喜欢和人们做游戏。Tom likes to ___ ___ __

1 play games with 2 can also 3 will , story today 4 make friends 5 can't play 6 What club 7 What , do 8 Why do you want to join the violin club ?加油!...

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